Howe Center Apartments, LLC

Property managed by REM Commercial


Howe Center Apartments, LLC is a rental property investment company in Akron, Ohio, that owns 76 apartment rental units. We partnered with the business in 2019 shortly after they acquired the property, and we’re the first property management company they’ve worked with.


Our contact from Howe Center Apartments is passionate about owning rental property, but knows the reality of renting and that you have to have a property management company on your side when you have 76 units on your hands. We were the first and only company they partnered with after buying the property, so their major challenge was figuring out how to balance and tackle their new responsibilities as rental property owners.

Although there were no major issues when the property was purchased, a shift in ownership and management is always a transition for renters. Making that transition seamless would be the key to our client’s success.


Once we started our partnership in 2019 to manage these apartments, our client started to hear from residents that they were pleased with the quick repairs and issue resolution compared to previous management.

The biggest change for our client since the start has been having time back to spend on his business and making the right decisions for the future rather than worrying about the day-to-day issues involved with property management. When there are issues, our client knows there is a reliable team taking care of things. For example, when a crime took place near the apartment building, someone from our team was on site to work with the police and make sure residents were safe.

In addition to day-to-day maintenance and management, we also manage the tenant screening and leasing process for Howe Center Apartments. This has led to a noticeable and very positive difference in the tenant population.

Request a Quote on Property Management Services

Get a quote today and see how our property management services can make owning rental properties in Northeast Ohio easier for you like it has done for Howe Center Apartments, LLC.

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